Good Things on Monday + A Giveaway

Happy Monday! Alex and I spent the Easter weekend at home...and it was quiet. We went to church and then had a nice dinner with a couple of friends of ours. We truly have been blessed with a group of friends who love on us like we are family.

Now on to the Good Things list......

1. We are about a week (or two?) away from being able to plant flowers in our flower beds. This is one of our favorite past times in the Spring and Summer. There is just something so therapeutic and healing about working in the dirt. We have such big plans for our backyard - new window boxes, reworking our flower bed, and the patio where our hot tub is. Last Fall we had a pond put in and this spring will really be the first time we have to enjoy it (and yes! We will be adding fish to it. Can.Not.Wait.).

2. Both of my boys have earned new ranks this past week in Boy Scouts. We are so proud of them & the hard work they have put in towards moving up in Scouts. Ben is now working on his Eagle Rank and John just earned his Scout rank. There have been times when both boys have wanted to takes a huge time commitment - but they have both stuck it out and are becoming better young men for it. I could not be any more proud of them.

3. My parents are moving back to Amarillo this week. Mixed feelings about this - more anxious about the unknown. Alex and I are not used to having family close by (his family is close by but they are not 'emotionally' close, whereas my family is). Just going to have to figure out a good balance of having them near + still having our own little family.

4. Did you see the newest 'Scrapbook Trends' Sketches magazine? I have two layouts in there - one of Alex and I  celebrating of 8 year Anniversary and the other is of one of my favorite pint-size people, Olivia celebrating her first birthday.

5. Speaking of Miss Olivia,  took Easter photos of her on Friday with two cute little baby chicks. This photo was one of my favorite.

And now a Giveaway!

I would love for you to participate if my Good Things Monday posts. If you blog your Good Things on Monday, leave a link in the comment section. I would love to read about whats going on in your life that is good!

And if you share your link in my comment section, I will choose one of you to win a GIFT CERTIFICATE to either Paper Issues or Studio Calico (your choice)!

You have until next Monday (April 8) to participate!


  1. Oh look at your little cutie pie. Such a sweet pic!

  2. Such a cute picture! Photos with baby chicks is such a good idea :)

  3. You have totally inspired me. My good things blog post is here:

  4. Love that photo of her and the baby chick. It was cold here yesterday but we had a nice day anyway! x

  5. Precious photo! And what a great idea to document the "good things." Blessings,

  6. Thanks so much for sharing yours and chellenging us to do the same! Here is mine:

  7. Adorable photo.... congrats on the pubs, too!! I will have to play along :)

  8. She is so cute and congrats on the pubs!
    I hear you on having family close. As a military family we are always very far away, but I don't think I could handle having family living very close to me either-I like my space!

  9. I liked your blog, thanks for sharing this


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