Don't Just Be Busy

This week has been busy - lots of busyness going on. I am teaching Art classes this week and that is definitely keeping on my toes!  Just being busy is defiantly not a good thing...

I called and talked with my Therapist on Monday. *sigh* She has been reminding me that just being busy isn't really a good thing. Be busy doing things you love.

When I started taking care of my parents about 3 years ago, I ended up giving up time doing things I loved because it was just too hard to get everything done in one day. Little by little I gave up my life - and would absolutely do it again if I needed to help them again! My point is, I just kinda started going through the motions of life, and not really making time to do the things that light my life up.

My Therapist encouraged me to make a list of 9 items that I miss doing and then add an item that I would love to do, but never had. Brilliant.

Run & workout with my trainer

Scrapbook (its been almost a year since I made a 'real' scrapbook page

Work on my Photography

Spend more time at my Store

Cook & Eat Clean

Read Books (last year I read less than 5 books, all year!)

Volunteer at Picture Parent & March of Dimes

Get back into a Life Group at Church

Write More Letters & Cards 

Learn Upholstery 

This is my list. My 9 to do + 1 to learn. I am working on making goals and time lines for these items. But honestly? I think this list is a true representation of things I truly want to do and learn. To be busy without just being busy, you know? 

How about you? As an adult, have you reevaluated what you are doing or not doing? Maybe its time to set a new goal and get to working towards it.

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