Happy Wednesday! Another day documented for Week In The Life. Today was a busy day with appointments and errand running.

My day started around 7 am this morning and I spent a few minuets on Facebook catching up. My niece is moving to college tomorrow so I messaged her to check on how she is doing.

I also checked my email and confirmed details on a volunteering opportunity coming up. 

Todays agenda included cleaning out my closet + switching out my Summer wardrobe for my Fall clothes. It may be still a bit early to wear a jacket but I know its coming. 

Sidenote: I am so predictable in my clothing. Tons of denim shirts and the colors black and coral are well represented. Not so much pink, green, or yellow.

10:30 - My closet organization project is done and I have a quick check on Facebook. 

Lunch is served. I had a 'Bear' on Cheddar (Cheddar bagel with creamcheese, cucumber, honey mustard and ham). 

Another appointment with my Doctor. This time I was getting results from a blood workup. Cortisol and Thyroid were low and need to be treated. 

My view as I lay down while my back is getting worked out. Well hello there! 

Back home in the late afternoon - just in time to have a lengthy Face Time session with this cutie. Lynlee just started to crawl and she 'called' me to show me how good she is. Gosh I love her so much.

This little guy was found hopping into the house. Nice, huh? We have had a ton of rain lately and this guy has been hanging out on our back patio. Of course, our dogs were not going to let it get very far! 

So Wednesday is in the books. I am noticing I am not photographing a lot of 'things' of our life. I want to work on that tomorrow. What does our medicine look like? Snack time? Laundry? How messy is my studio? 

Do you include things like medicine in your Week In The Life albums? 

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